Looking for Water Testing Lab or Air Testing Lab in Delhi?
We provide Water and Air testing services across Delhi and also across India! It does'nt matter which part of Delhi or India you live in, you can book a water testing or air testing service online!
We are happy to help you..
How it works?
Water Testing Services
Raw Water Testing
Includes Physical, Chemical and Microbiological Parameters.
Have you ever thought about your Indoor Air Quality? What is the most effective way to reduce Indoor Air pollutants? The most effective strategy for overcoming indoor air pollution is to eliminate the sources that cause the contamination.
Microorganisms cause several diseases globally. Though they are invisible, the problems they cause are huge. Viruses and Bacteria are most feared among all microbes since they cause the most dangerous diseases on earth.
Water-borne diseases are the most common cause of deaths. The lack of clean water for domestic use is the major reasons which have led to the increase in the number of deaths in both the urban and..
We all have known Iron to be an Essential Mineral. However, Excess Iron is water is not safe. When Excess Iron is present in your water you need to immediately remove it. Iron can affect health, skin..